We create innovative solutions to our clients' business questions using multiple tools and techniques, alone or integrated, impeccably well executed.
Understanding the market
Asses the Landscape and competitor understanding, needs and segmentation, habits, uses and attitudes of the target
- Segmentation: Demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral
- NeedStates, H&P: habits and practices, U&A: usage and attitudes
- Trends
- Market size and worth
- Offer and Price audits
- Analysis of primary sources
- Social media listening
- Semiotic analysis
- Anthropology
- Quantitative
- Mystery shopper / Auditoria
- Data mining
Developing new products
Ideation, development and forecasting the success of new products and / or concepts.
- Design Thinking
- Concept ideation
- Concept Test/ Idea screening
- Concept and product test – Sales Forecast
- Price acceptance and elasticity / conjoint analysis
- Name, image and package testing
- Understand and optimize the shopping process at the point of sale
- Semiotic analysis
- Anthropology
- Qualitative
- Quantitative
- Neuroresearch
- Eye tracker
Shopping Experience Optimization
First moment of truth. When the buyer chooses at the point or channel of sale.
Shopper Understanding: habits and attitudes, journey, segmentation, decision tree, hot zones and points of contact
Design / shelf test / catalog / web site
Promotional vehicle effectiveness (Return on Investment)
Promotional vehicles, distribution and price audits
- Semiotic analysis
- Anthropology
- Qualitative
- Quantitative
- Neuroresearch
- Eye tracker
- Mystery Shopper / Audits
- Artificial Intelligence
Optimize the use and experience of products and / or services
Second moment of truth. When the consumer tries the product or service.
- Product /Package Test (blind, identified)
- Concept and Use Test, Sales forecast
- Organoleptic Evaluation
- Semiotic analysis
- Qualitative
- Quantitative
- Neuroresearch
Improve brand performance, communication and customer satisfaction
Create lasting relationships by building Brand Equity.
- Brand health (Brand equity) – Tracking
- Advertising tests
- Client / employee satisfaction
- Early Brand evaluation tests
- Qualitative
- Neuroresearch
- Eye Tracker
- Quantitative
National / Regional Coverage
- Operation offices in Mexico City, Monterrey, and Guadalajara
- Facilities for workshops and two way mirror
Equipment and Applications
- EEG for Neuroresearch
- Eye Tracker
- Virtual Reality
- Automatization
- Data collection via electronic devices with audio, photos and georeferencing of all interviews
- Tablets for face-to-face Interviewing (Own Field: 500 interviewers) …Online Platforms
- Call center with 50 Stations
Blvd. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 471-piso 4, Irrigación, Miguel Hidalgo, 11500 Mexico City, CDMX