About us
- In 1974 Gregorio de Villa N. founded G. de Villa y Asociados, being one of the pioneers in Mexico and Latin America.
- GDV partnered with the Burke and Bases global network, creator of Simulated Test Markets (sales volume / innovation of new products)
- GDV field operations are consolidated as the most reliable resource in the market
- Procter & Gamble and several International companies adopt GDV as a strategic partner
- In 1992 Gregorio de Villa P. becomes General Manger of the Company
- The Mexican Association of Market Research Agencies (AMAI) is founded
- Ac Nielsen acquires BASES. GDV continues with operations work
- Alejandra Valero becomes part of our team, strengthening GDV’s consulting capacity
- GDV starts the development and testing of techniques and tools to adapt to the digital era
- Development of Research projects based on biological responses and the impact of social networks
- Measurement of real consumer behavior: the non-expressed along with the declared and observed
- Maintains traditional methods that explain cause and effect
- During 2019, GDV turns 45, consolidating itself as a solid company with a track record of experience and innovation in Market and Consumer Research
- Today, GDV Group is a strategic ally of its clients and business partners
- Descriptive based on the declaration and intention of the consumer-buyer
- Manual data collection and processing
- Multivariable predictive models, based on the adjustment of response and intention of the consumer-buyer
- Manual data collection processes, computer data processing and analysis of information begins
- Multivariate predictive models (Conjoint Analysis, Needs and Behavior Based Segmentation)
- Behavioral Economics
- Data Mining
- Collection with electronic devices
- Neuroscience
- Neroresearch / Biometrics
- Big Data
- Automation
- Social networks
- Artificial intelligence
- Virtual reality
- Mass communication
- Product centered
- Mass communication
- Product centered
- Mass communication
- Product centered
- Mass communication
- Directed: digital/internet
- Consumer and Shopper centered
- Directed: digital / internet
- E-commerce
- Massive
- Value centered
- Directed: digital / 5G
- E-commerce
- Massive
- Value centered
We are a multidisciplinary team of experts, we create tailored solutions for our clients, following high methodological rigor while remaining flexible and agile.
Directors with +25 years of experience directly involved in all projects.

Gregorio de Villa
Managing Director
32 years of experience in Research applied to business, markets and opinion, supporting companies from various sectors in strategic decision making. He has created and led high performance groups focused on the success of clients, business partners and collaborators.
Bachelor of Business Administration (ITESM); AD2 Senior Management Program (IPADE); Sales & Marketing Executive Scholar (Kellogg School of Management, NorthWestern); Certified Design Thinking (MIT Sloan School of Management); Certificate of Proficiency in Quantitative Analysis (AC Nielsen Burke Institute).
Active Member of the AMAI (Mexican Association of Market Research and Opinion), where he has held positions of Vice President, and Treasurer.

Lety Covarrubias
Qualitative Director
With more than 25 years of experience working in consumer package goods, services, education, and others. Expert Psychologist has designed techniques that combine new communication technologies with the complexity of the Mexican consumer to obtain qualitative data anchored in reality.
In recent years he has managed to combine declared and explicit knowledge with the nonverbalized (observations and neurological reactions) to find powerful insights and transform them into strategies.

Ale Valero
Quantitative Director
With 30 years of experience in market research. After a 20-year career at P&G where she started in New Products Research, she was associate director of Market Research for the Global Cleaning area in Latin America and Asia.
Her strengths are the design of focused and actionable techniques including volumetric and Neuroresearch. Currently, in addition to a market researcher, she is a consultant for P&G and other companies.

Eduardo Aguilar
Quantitative Manager
Researcher with 8 years of experience oriented to serve medium and large companies. His work is based on the application of quantitative market research tools uncover the best target market for the product or service of clients.
His vision focuses on finding and applying innovative tools that allow generating, analyzing and delivering information quickly.

Claudia Pardo
Client Service and Statistical Analysis
Researcher expert in statistical analysis of information and customer service. Statistical professional with 5 years of experience in the field of market research, sampling and multivariate analysis.
Planning, execution and final analysis of projects, to obtain valid, reliable, timely and actionable information that helps in the decision-making process of clients.
Our team is diverse in training and experience.
We collect and transform data and information into market intelligence and consumer understanding, to create solutions and business strategies of great worth and impact on the results of our clients.
Passion for service and client focused
We promote that all the activities we carry out are centered on identifying and satisfying the needs of our clients. The success of our clients is our success.
Quality and Efficiency
We define quality as doing things right the first time, using our resources optimally, with cutting-edge processes and technology, to exceed our clients’ expectations and be competitive nationally and internationally.
Innovation and creativity
Essential characteristics of our employees, since these represent an important basis for development and continuous improvement.
Staff Excellence and Leadership
We promote the integral development of employees, seeking to expand their knowledge, skills and abilities. We consider ourselves a humanistic company.
Honesty, integrity and austerity
We require that our collaborators respect ethical and moral principles, having a congruence between thinking, saying and doing. Our motto “work and savings” comes to life in austerity, understood as the rational and efficient use of the resources of the company and our clients.
We integrate the capabilities of each area to meet the needs of our clients in a timely manner.
Blvd. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 471-piso 4, Irrigación, Miguel Hidalgo, 11500 Mexico City, CDMX